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We Are Everyday Heroes

"In a world full of people who couldn't care less, be someone who couldn't care more" Unknown

There has been a lot of coverage in the media for our frontline workers; nurses, grocery store clerks, firefighters, bus drivers, and public health officials. The ongoing medical and clerical service that has helped save so many lives before and during this pandemic is unmatched. In the past, we may have taken those positions for granted, not fully understanding the impact it had on our life before this pandemic occurred. Similarly, I think we have also taken ourselves for granted and lessened our individual impact on society. Every day we are making an impact on this word directly and indirectly with our presence. We spend time taking care of our families, opening the doors for others, caring for our children, showing up, being leaders, and sometimes unknowingly paving the way for so many others. We are Everday Heroes. If you're not sure how you can contribute to society with the current circumstances and would like to support, I gathered a few resources to help you contribute.

:::::::::::::::::::Here are a few ways you can continue contributing to society:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

  1. Being Kind: WIth the ongoing stresses of everyday life, mixed messages in the media, being kind and respectful can go a long way. It doesn't take much to share positive messages and small gestures to really improve someone's day.

  2. Provide a Need: Some are taking the initiative to make secured masks for the homeless and others that need it. Others are sharing vital information through social media and organizing group challenges to feed communities. You can also donate basic necessities to help others during this time.

  3. Maintain Your Own Stress Levels: It can difficult to be a light for others if you allow yourself to be dimmed by stress and the dramas of everyday life. Take care of yourself, practice healthy habits, and set your boundaries. Download Headspace: Free for LA County

  4. Volunteer your Time: There are countless initiatives helping the less fortunate and COVID-patients with care by contract tracing, feeding families, packing lunches at schools, giving blood, fostering animals, grocery shopping for the elderly, and writing supportive notes to patients and frontline workers.

  5. Wear Your Mask and Protective Gear: Doing your part to help protect the community by wearing a mask and appropriate protective gear (i.e, gloves) outdoors and indoor shopping stores. You can make a world of a difference reducing the contact of COVID-19 and related fatalities.


Here Are Some Volunteer Opportunities in California:

Write a Letter of Appreciation/Support

  • Write notes of support to front line health care workers and patients during this crisis. To learn more, visit 

  • Nonprofit organization Big Sunday hosts a "Gratitude Project" to acknowledge health care workers in California. Draw a picture or email a positive message

Foster a Shelter Animal

"If you want to be happy, get yourself off your mind." - Joyce Meyer

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